Entering the world of financial trading has become easier thanks to the technological advances. Today, anyone can invest or launch a business in the realms of Forex trading, either to directly trade and make money or operate as a service provider and earn commissions in exchange.
This increased the necessity of getting a broker Forex license, ensuring full compliance with applicable laws, and acting in good faith, which can extend the potential of your business,
However, licensed Forex brokers face multiple challenges, starting from knowing how much does it cost to start a Forex brokerage and consistently adhering to the changing regulatory requirements. Here’s what you need to know.
Obtaining a Forex Trading License
The scope of a Forex broker extends from offering market access to beginner traders to providing various trading services to institutional investors and banks.
There is a huge number of financial instruments, investment plans, and currencies involved in the market, which necessitates a clear-cut framework on the rules of behaviour expected from brokers. Therefore, Forex licenses exist to set out the rules of the game and what parties can expect from each other.
Additionally, Forex is the largest financial market, with over $6 trillion in daily trade. Forex’s strict regulations play a major role in stabilising and promoting growth in the currency market.
Why Become a Regulated Forex Broker?
Getting a license to trade and offer investment services in the Forex market is not only a formality or for compliance purposes. In fact, obtaining a reputable Forex license has business benefits. Here are some of these advantages.
Boosting Investors’ Confidence
Despite the growing advancements in Forex trading systems and software, investors are still hesitant to deposit their money and life savings in a broker’s account that they do not trust. Therefore, being a licensed broker increases trust between you and investors.
Additionally, this can be your selling point, allowing you to attract more clients to your platform and boost your sales.
Subject to State Support
Jurisdictions provide different investor insurance packages. For example, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK compensates investors 100% of their losses up to £85,000 if their Forex broker is liquidated, with other compensation policies for other instances.
Therefore, investors are on the hunt for a regulated Forex trading broker under the FCA framework, ensuring financial coverage if things go sideways.
Regulatory Requirements
Offering Forex investments is subject to a special business permit that must be obtained before operating in the financial market. These laws impose hefty penalties for entities that operate in the currency market without proper licensing.
5-Step Plan to Become a Licensed FX Broker
Preparing for licensing is a challenging phase. Businesses must grasp a wide variety of laws and regulations and be financially prepared to prove financial capability to operate and offer investment services. Here’s how you can launch a legal Forex business.
1—Determine the regulatory framework that you want to follow. Different jurisdictions have different rulings on Forex services, and you need to select the license type based on your location, resources, and objectives.
2—Create a business plan aligning with the jurisdiction requirements. Financial regulators usually require a comprehensive business plan, including your funding sources, investment opportunities, and marketing strategies.
3—Familiarise yourself with the regulatory landscape in the country where your business will operate. Whether you are obtaining an FX license in one or multiple jurisdictions, you need to have legal representation to prepare paperwork and apply for a broker license.
4—Get your license or review any additional conditions if required. You might need to hire a compliance specialist or team to ensure full adherence to rules and regulations.
5—Get a legal team and ensure the timely submission of financial reports and conducting of audits to maintain your license according to the legal requirements.
Operating in the Forex market is challenging, especially with the existence of large market players, serving thousands of clients and managing billions of dollars in their accounts. However, acquiring a Forex trading license is one way to standout from the competition.
To start, you need to familiarise yourself with the regulatory framework of the target country, prepare needed paperwork and ensure continuous compliance. This way, you can grow and sustain your business development for many years.